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Earn prodigious rewards for your hotel stays — from 1,000 to 10,000 points or miles per night.

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Choose from hundreds of thousands of accommodations around the world. Earn enormous rewards for every night of your stay.

Then, use your rewards to take the trip of your dreams.

Frequent travelers can earn unlimited miles per year, just by booking on Rocketmiles.

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Questions & answers

How do I sign up?

Signing up is free — there is no cost to join Rocketmiles, and you can browse our offers without creating an account.

Which loyalty programs are available?

An up-to-date list is available on our homepage.

This list is continually growing. If there is a program you collect that does not appear, we'd love for you to let them know. In the meantime, you can earn loyalty rewards with any of our partners, some of which are part of much larger alliances that extend beyond our list.

Can I book for other people and earn the rewards for myself?

Absolutely. While booking the room, just enter the actual guest's name who will be checking in as "primary guest." Make sure to add your own loyalty account on the same page.

When will my rewards post to my loyalty account?

Within a few days of check-out, we confirm the stay has been completed and send the reward to the loyalty program for posting. Most loyalty programs post these rewards within 2 weeks, assuming the name and number on the account entered are valid and match. You can view the status of all your rewards by logging into your account.

Does Rocketmiles offer a 'best rate guarantee'?


How do I find the specific hotel I am looking for?

Rocketmiles works with hundreds of thousands of properties around the world. If a hotel does not appear in a specific search, it may appear later, or using different travel dates. We design our search engine to show as diverse a selection of hotels as possible across a range of quality, price, and location so that if the hotel you are looking for does not appear, there is likely a comparable one available with a reward.

Will I earn hotel rewards points during my stay?

Generally, hotel rewards points will not be earned in addition to your loyalty program's miles or points.

Will my Rocketmiles reservation count toward elite status with my hotel's loyalty program?

Many of our frequent travelers have told us that they often do receive the benefits they are eligible for based on their existing status, and that their stay counts toward their hotel loyalty account. However, we are unable to guarantee this. These situations are treated on a case-by-case basis, with the ultimate decision being made by the specific property's reservation management staff.

Can I still earn rewards on your offers?

We have partnered with in order to provide even more offers to our customers. reservations made through our site also earn loyalty points and the specific amount will be listed during your booking process. Just remember to input your loyalty account ID on during check out.

What are Boosted rewards?

Boosted offers allow you the option of earning even more points for your stay. The total price of the reservation is recalculated at a competitive rate to accommodate the additional rewards.

When am I charged for the reservation?

Rocketmiles reservations are charged immediately upon confirmation, unless you choose to pay later on an eligible reservation. If your reservation is refundable and you cancel it before the deadline, refunds are processed instantly.

Will I receive a receipt for my purchase that can be used for expense reporting?

Yes. Receipts of purchase are attached as a PDF to your confirmation email and are designed for expense reporting. They do not mention rewards. Here's an example.

The confirmation email will confirm both your room reservation and the associated rewards you are set to earn. We do not receive itemized information for the tax amount, and apologize that we are unable to provide any breakdown.

What will I need to check-in at the hotel?

Your reservation can be found at the front desk under the primary guest’s first and last name. Hotels usually require a photo ID and a valid credit card for incidentals to check in.

How do I cancel my existing reservation?

The easiest way to cancel a refundable reservation before penalty is to view the upcoming reservation in your Rocketmiles account, and select "cancel". If refundable, the funds will be processed instantly.

How do I change my existing reservation?

The easiest way to change an existing refundable reservation is to search for the correct dates, make a new reservation, and then cancel the original reservation. If looking to extend your existing reservation, you can also try booking the extra night(s) on our site. If successful, we recommend contacting the hotel to inform them that your back-to-back reservations will be used as one stay. If you have an unforeseen travel interruption affecting a non-refundable reservation, you may reach out to our concierge team 24/7 and we will do our best to assist you.

Who should I contact about my reservation - Rocketmiles, or the hotel?

Modification requests such as cancellations or changes must always be through Rocketmiles, as we are the only party authorized to make such changes and adjustments. You should contact the hotel directly with questions about hotel services (parking, spa, etc.) or for directions, or to notify them that you are running late for check-in (generally after 6pm). If Rocketmiles is not contacted about reservation modifications until after the stay is complete and rewards have already been posted, any approved refund amount may be reduced by up to the full retail value of the reward.